
How to change System Product Name in Windows 11

The Windows Settings panel displays an unusual item, Arrangement Product Name, under your computer name in Windows xi. However, if you desire to change the Windows eleven System Production Name, here is how you tin do that. It is possible to alter the OEM information using Registry Editor.

By default, your figurer manufacturer specifies the name of the system. For example, if you have a Microsoft Surface, it shows the Surface name nether your figurer name. Nonetheless, if you accept assembled your computer manually, information technology displays the motherboard proper noun in the Windows Settings panel. It is pretty simple to modify the computer proper noun in Windows 11. However, if yous want to change the arrangement product name, which is visible in the Windows Settings panel, you need to use the Registry Editor.

it is recommended to backup all Registry files before getting started with the steps.

How to alter System Product Proper noun in Windows 11

To change Windows 11 System Product Proper noun in Windows Settings, follow these steps:

  1. PrintingWin+Rto open the Run prompt.
  2. Typeregedit and hit theEnterpush button.
  3. Click on theYeschoice.
  4. Navigate toOEMInformation inHKLM.
  5. Right-click on theOEMInformation > New > String value.
  6. Proper name it asModel.
  7. Double-click on this String Value.
  8. Fix the Value data every bit the proper noun you want to display.
  9. Click theOKbutton.
  10. Restart the Windows Settings console.

To learn more than well-nigh these steps, continue reading.

At first, you lot demand to open the Registry Editor on your computer. For that, you can pressWin+R to open up the Run dialog. Then, typeregeditin the empty box, and press theEnterbutton. So, if the UAC prompt appears, click on theYeppush.

Once the Registry Editor is opened on your computer, navigate to the following path:


In theOEMInformationcentral, you tin notice a String Value namedModel. However, if you cannot detect the mentioned key, yous need to create information technology manually. For that, right-click on theOEMInformationand selectNew > Cord Value.

How to change System Product Name on Windows 11

So, name it equallyModel. Side by side, y'all need to change the Value data of the Model String Value. To do so, double-click on information technology and set the Value information as the name you want to display under your computer name.

How to change System Product Name on Windows 11

In one case washed, click theOKbutton and restart the Windows Settings console.

How to change System Product Name on Windows 11

In case yous want to brandish the default name, you need to delete the String Value y'all created earlier. For that, right-click on theModelString Value and select theDeletepick from the context menu. And so, click on theYespush.

How do I change the manufacturer proper noun in Windows 11/x?

To change the manufacturer name in Windows 11/10, you need to utilise the Registry Editor. For that, open up the Registry Editor, and navigate to this path:


After that, create a Cord Value and name it every bitModel. Then, double-click on it to ready the Value information as the name y'all want to display. One time done, click theOKbutton and restart the Windows Settings console.

How practise I modify my computer'due south model proper noun?

By default, Windows eleven displays your reckoner's model name in the Windows Settings panel. However, if you want to change information technology, y'all take to use the aforementioned method. For that, open up the Registry Editor and navigate toOEMInformationin theHKLM. Then, double-click on theModelString Value and gear up the Value data as the proper name you want to display. Whatever name you put here in the Value information box volition exist visible in the Windows Settings panel.

That'south all! Promise this guide helped you change the system product name in Windows 11.

Read: How to find Computer Name in Windows xi

How to change System Product Name on Windows 11


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