
How To Get Rid Of Side Chest Fat

While we certainly advocate body positivity, you may still find yourself feeling extra conscious over having excess chest fat. Having chest fat in and of itself isn't a major issue. But it's still perfectly understandable if you wish to shed it from your body. Maybe you want to compete in a bodybuilding competition. Or perhaps you just want to accentuate your chest muscles.

Regardless of your reason, there are sure-fire methods you can employ to lose your chest fat. From chest exercises to simple changes in your diet, below are the 10 best ways to get rid of man boobs.

get rid of chest fat

Photo by Norbert Buduczki on Unsplash.

Besides the abdomen, the chest area is where men store most of their body fat. As a result, it's quite common for men to develop man boobs. If you're on a quest to get rid of chest fat, you will need to challenge all your chest muscles.

The first step you need to take to reduce chest fat is understanding your chest muscles.

Did you know your chest muscles are actually some of the largest muscles in the upper body? They are also some of the most commonly used ones. For daily tasks like pushing open a door or simply washing your hair, your chest muscles are needed. As such, it's important to keep them strong to accomplish even the smallest tasks.

Your chest has two muscles on both sides. The pectoralis major, which has two parts, and the pectoralis minor. Together, they are known as your pecs. The pectoralis major is the larger of the two and is shaped like a fan, stretching across your chest to your collarbone. It also attaches to your upper arm and even connects to your sternum.

Working in tandem with your pectoralis major is the smaller pectoralis minor. This triangular-shaped muscle spans from your shoulder blades down to the middle of your ribs. Moreover, there are also several other, smaller muscles that support your pectoral muscles.

If you want to reduce chest fat and sculpt your pecs, you will need to put all these muscles to work. But how?

the best chest exercises

Photo by Gordon Cowie on Unsplash.

One of the best ways to deal with excess fat in your chest is by following simple yet intense exercise techniques. Choosing a more targeted workout routine can help you break down and reduce chest fat. There's a whole treasure trove of chest exercises for men. What's more, a regular workout plan will not only help you lose weight and build muscle size, but it can also help boost your mood! Whether you're in a gym filled with equipment or at home, here are the best workouts to target chest fat and build stronger pecs!

Chest exercises at home to get rid of chest fat

Photo by Keiji Yoshiki from Pexels.

Good old-fashioned push-ups are definitely the most efficient exercise for chest fat reduction. Not only do push-ups target the pectoral muscles, but they also help build your triceps and shoulders. On top of that, they can also strengthen your lower back and core.

Push-ups are also a very versatile exercise. You can do push-ups basically anywhere with no extra equipment. Thus, this makes them the best chest exercises at home. On top of that, you can always modify them to your preference.

The standard push-up position starts with your palms flat on the ground and should be shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be fully extended. Meanwhile, your feet should be no more than 12 inches apart. To execute the push-up movement, bend your elbows to lower your chest below the level of your bent elbows. Press upward with your arms to push yourself to the starting position. Throughout the push-up movements, don't forget to breathe in as you lower yourself and breathe out as you push yourself back up.

Remember to keep your back straight and core engaged. Don't arch your back or sag down. An easy way to maintain a flat back is by squeezing your gluteal (aka butt) muscles for the entire duration of the exercise.

A great thing about push-ups is how you can modify them to target your desired focus area. If you want to learn how to get rid of man boobs fast through push-ups, position your hands wider than the standard shoulder-width. This hand placement will focus more on the chest muscles.

Other variations of this chest exercise can be done with your feet elevated, or with one arm behind your back. You can also add weights to your push-ups, such as resistance bands.

exercises for men

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.

Another standard workout for chest fat is the bench press. This exercise specifically targets the pectoralis major.

You can do this fat-burning chest workout on a bench, at an incline or a decline. Traditionally, you will need a barbell to execute bench presses, but a pair of dumbbells also works just as well.

Lie on a workout bench with the barbell or dumbbells against your chest. Ensure 5-point contact at all times, where your buttocks, back, shoulders, head, and feet are in contact with the bench. Alternatively, you can place your feet flat on the floor.

Keeping your hands a few inches wider than your shoulder width, slowly lift the weight by stretching your arms, palms facing away from you. Be sure not to lock your elbows. Exhale when the bar is as high as you can and slowly lower the bar back down, keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle.

Since the bench press falls under the category of weightlifting, we advise you to do this exercise under the guidance of a gym instructor or with a friend to spot you. Additionally, start with lighter weights and slowly work your way up. This lessens the chance of sustaining injuries.

dumbbell chest exercises

Image by Pavel JurĨa from Pixabay.

Another weighted workout is the squeeze press. This exercise involves similar elements to the standard bench press. However, it is one of the more targeted dumbbell chest exercises for man boobs. Additionally, unlike the bench press, you must keep the dumbbells in contact with each other.

To execute this move, grab a pair of dumbbells, lie down on a bench and place the weights together side by side. From here, lift them up over your chest, squeezing them inward against each other. For every single repetition or rep, you will need to actively squeeze in the dumbbells as hard as possible. This action is crucial for dumbbell chest exercises, as it will shift the pressure onto your pecs.

Video courtesy: Colossus Fitness YouTube Channel

If you're looking for chest exercises without weights, chest dips are another great gym exercise to get rid of chest fat. If you're familiar with tricep dips, chest dips are pretty similar. Both dips require you to suspend your body on a dip stand and have your feet crossed behind your body.

However, in order to target more of your chest muscles, you need to lean forward and push your elbows away from your body. They should also be a little wider than your shoulders. The more you lean forward, the more pressure you feel on your pecs. If done correctly, you should feel your chest muscles stretching.

Besides your pectoralis major and minor, this exercise to reduce chest fat also targets your deltoid muscle, triceps, and a few back muscles.

Video courtesy: Strong With Stef YouTube Channel

Burpees, or more specifically chest-to-floor burpees, are another great set of chest exercises. Generally, burpees work out your entire body since they strengthen your leg, arm, and shoulder muscles. They also help strengthen your hips, abdomen, and of course, your chest muscles. What's more, they are great for getting your heart rate up and burning lots of calories.

The chest-to-floor variation of burpees follows the similar movements of the standard burpee. The difference is when you're in the raised plank position; you need to do a press-up and lower yourself until your chest is inches from the floor. From here you can jump back up and fully extend your arms to the ceiling before returning to the starting position.

Chest-to-floor burpees give extra focus on your chest and triceps as compared to standard ones. Since burpees don't require any equipment, they're the perfect home chest exercises to do!

posture correction to reduce chest fat

Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay.

Apart from chest exercises, there's another crucial thing to consider if you want to get rid of man boobs: your posture. You've probably been told the importance of good posture growing up. Unfortunately, many people still tend to overlook this. When it comes to chest fat, a bad posture can lead to tightening of your pecs. This in turn leads to slouching, which will make your man boobs look even more prominent. As such, it's vital to offset poor posture.

Fortunately, improving one's posture can be done by training yourself to be more aware of the way you hold your own body. This involves sitting up straight, walking with your shoulders back, and carrying yourself in ways that exert the least amount of strain on your back. If all else fails, there are also posture correctors available online, which can help you train and strengthen your shoulders and spinal muscles.

food to eat to get rid of man boobs

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash.

Even if you spend hours doing chest exercises at the gym or at home, your efforts may lead you nowhere if your diet is out of whack. A balanced diet of carbs, fat, and protein is important to reduce chest fat and build muscle. Furthermore, incorporating whole foods that are filled with nutrients is also a great way to lose weight and gain more muscle mass.

It should go without saying that you must always include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Foods like whole grain rice, quinoa, rolled oats, beans, and legumes are also a few excellent examples of whole foods. Additionally, lean meat, low-fat dairy, unsalted nuts, and seeds are great sources of nutrients that you can easily buy at your local supermarket.

Now you know some of the best chest exercises you can do to reduce chest fat, let's move forward to calorie intake. Foods that are high in empty calories, such as refined carbs, sugary drinks, and fatty food can cause weight gain. This is especially if you consume more calories than needed. It's important your calorie intake doesn't exceed your activity levels.

Due to this, we now see caloric restriction as one of the most popular ways to lose weight. By working up a caloric deficit, you ensure that you consume fewer calories than you burn.

Most people will tell you that subtracting 500 calories per day will be a sufficient calorie deficit to lose weight. However, there are numerous factors that help contribute to a viable caloric deficit. Your age, weight, height, and lifestyle all need to be considered when calculating the appropriate caloric intake you need.

This method may seem like the easiest way of learning how to get rid of chest fat. You shouldn't do anything drastic though. It's important to make minor changes that are easy to maintain first. You should also consult with a doctor or nutritionist if you want to go on a calorie deficit diet.

Besides restricting your consumption of certain foods, you should also lower your alcohol intake. Alcoholic beverages are high in calories and excessive consumption can lead to weight gain. A bottle or two every once in a while wouldn't do much harm. Unfortunately, chronic consumption can disrupt testosterone production, the primary male sex hormone.

Studies show that heavy alcohol use may also increase the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Estrogen is one of the two primary female sex hormones that helps develop and maintain female characteristics, including breasts.

If you plan on drinking with the boys or having a nightcap, just be sure to make an extra effort at the gym or doing chest exercises at home.

Going back to hormones, testosterone also plays a huge role where body fat is concerned. This naturally occurring hormone is responsible for male physical features. A decrease in testosterone levels not only makes you gain weight but can also make it harder to lose fat.

Unfortunately, too much body fat can also impair your body's ability to produce testosterone. This vicious cycle will only make it more difficult to find ways on how to burn chest fat and build muscle mass.

If you're worried about your testosterone levels, it's best to consult with a primary care physician or specialist right away. You may feel uncomfortable or embarrassed to talk about such issues. However, this is a rather common concern among men. This issue usually comes with age, especially for those above the age of 40.

There are numerous medical treatments and supplements that can help increase your level of testosterone. If you want to err on the more natural side of things, don't fret. There are several proven ways you can increase testosterone naturally that will help you on how to get rid of man boobs.

Besides regular exercises and a balanced diet, here are a few other ways on how to increase testosterone naturally. Keep these in mind if you're looking for ways on how to lose chest fat.

  • Getting A Good Night's Sleep – We know this is easier said than done but having a good seven to eight hours of sleep is important. This is because a man's daily testosterone secretion occurs during sleep. What's more, lack of sleep can also affect the level of all our bodies' hormones and chemicals. With that said, getting good quality sleep can be crucial if you want to learn how to reduce chest fat.
  • Minimize Stress Another thing easier said than done! Chronic stress can lead to many issues in the body, including an increase in cortisol. A surge of cortisol can result in lowered testosterone levels. This can lead to difficulty if you're looking for ways on how to lose man boobs.
  • Vitamin D Research shows that vitamin D can serve as a natural testosterone booster. As such, it's important to include food that is high in vitamin D such as salmon and egg yolks in your diet. Other foods that increase testosterone include tuna and fortified cereals. Spending at least 15 minutes under the sun is also a great way to maintain your body's level of vitamin D.

So far, we've discussed the main culprit when it comes to man boobs — chest fat. However, aside from your body fat, another reason why you may have large and saggy breasts is a condition called gynecomastia. This condition causes the swelling of breast tissue, giving the appearance of enlarged breasts.

Gynecomastia occurs when there's an elevated level of male estrogen in a man's body. Moreover, an imbalance in your testosterone levels can also contribute to this condition.

Gynecomastia isn't a harmful condition and doesn't pose any risk. However, it is still uncomfortable. If you do have this condition, regardless if you lose excess fat or do all the best chest exercises, you can still have enlarged breast tissue. As such, it's best to consult a doctor to find the best course of treatment on how to get rid of man boobs.

Chest fat can take a major toll on your self-esteem. It can cause anxiety, especially on occasions where you need to take off your shirt in public. It can even keep you from having a positive body image. That's why many look for ways on how to burn chest fat.

If you fear that gynecomastia is the cause of your bulging breast tissue, it is best to consult with a specialist. However, if you believe that you just lean towards the heftier side of the scale, you will need to make some lifestyle adjustments.

There is no magic solution that can instantly get rid of chest fat. You will need to put in all the effort if you truly want to learn how to lose man boobs safely. This can lead you to dedicate a few hours to doing chest exercises for men at home or at the gym. Alongside this, you must adhere to healthier eating habits.

Most importantly, though, you must set realistic expectations in your journey to rock-hard pecs. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. While there are a few ways to make them disappear a little bit quicker, it's still best to set feasible goals. Just as long as you put in the effort, you don't need to worry about taking off your shirt during your next beach trip!

How To Get Rid Of Side Chest Fat


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